Online Bill Pay

Please click on this link and you will be redirected to the online payment portal:

Please note: This payment service is for City of Heyburn Utility Customers only. A convenience fee of 3% plus $1.00 will be added to the total amount of the payment for this service. You will be given an opportunity to accept or decline the payment after the total amount is calculated.
You will need a recent utility bill to fill in some of the information required. Please make sure you enter the account number with all leading and trailing zeroes and dashes. For example: 12345.06
If your utilities have been disconnected for nonpayment, your online payment must be submitted by 5:00 PM to avoid the after hours reconnect fee. Please call City Hall at 208-679-8158 if you make your payment during business hours, to ensure staff is aware so they can restore your services.  
After hours reconnect fee is an additional $60.00 and must be paid before services are restored. Proof of payment is required. 
If you make your payment after hours, work with our On Call Department to restore your services by calling dispatch at 208-434-2320.
For billing or payment questions, or help navigating or using this website, please contact us at or by phone at (208) 679-8158 Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM MST. If you make a payment in error, send an email to to seek a refund.
Please note: For RV Reservation Payments click HERE