April 23, 2008 Agenda

 City of Heyburn Council Meeting and Revised Water Appropriation Hearing Agenda

April 23, 2008

7:00 P.M.


1. Approve Minutes of the Council Meeting on April 9, 2008.


2. Approve paying the Bills.


3. Public Hearing Regarding Revised Water Budget.


4. Discuss/Approve Ordinance No. 505 - Revised Water Budget.


5. Discuss/Approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 507


6. Mayor Time:

*Proclamation: May 4 through May 10, 2008 as Municipal Clerks Week.

*Proclamation for Mental Health.

*Community Support Center - Lisa Stoker.


7. Discuss/Approve Ordinance No 508. Amphitheater Committee.


8. Discuss Request to cross Right of Way - Stan Moncur.


9. Discuss/Approve Contract for Planning Services with Terri Ottens.


10. Executive Session for Personnel Matters as Authorized by Idaho Code Section 67-2345.