March 26,2008 Agenda
City of Heyburn Council Meeting Agenda
March 26, 2008
7:00 P.M.
1. Approve Minutes of the Council Meeting on March 12, 2008.
2. Approve paying the Bills.
3. Discuss/Approve Budget Hearing Date.
4. Discuss/Award Culinary Water Well Project (Bid) - Scott Spevak.
5. Forsgren Engineering Services Update- Travis Higby.
6. Discuss Animal Control - County Commissioner.
7. Discuss Arboretum Expansion - Rocky Baker.
8. Discuss Personnel Manual.
9. Discuss Cleanup Week April 14th thru April 19th - Scott Spevak.
10. Discuss Transportation Committee Facilitating information the Formation of an Area Airport Authority - Scott Spevak.
11. Discuss River Ratt Trapping - Dusty.
12. Executive Session for Litigation as Authorized by Idaho Code Section 67-2345.