March 30, 2015 Special URA Meeting
Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency Special Meeting Minutes
March 30, 2015 – 11:00 AM
Members Present: Dan Lloyd, Brent Tolman, and Ralph Williams. Rhonda Kluzik from the City of Heyburn.
Guests Present via Telephone: Ryan Armbruster - Counsel for the Agency.
Chairman Ralph Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked if there were any changes to the agenda.
Motion to change the agenda to by Brent Tolman to add an item under the discuss/approve bills item regarding update on bank fees being charged for paper copies. This item just surfaced after the formal posting of the agenda. Second by Dan Lloyd. All Aye votes.
Discuss/Approve the February 25, 2015 Special Meeting Minutes
Motion by Dan Lloyd to approve the February 25, 2015 meeting minutes. Second by Brent Tolman. All Aye votes.
Discuss/Approve Bills
Motion by Dan Lloyd to approve paying of the following bills for the Heyburn URA:
Elam & Burke: $ 774.50
Times News: $ 41.59
Seconded by Brent Tolman. All Aye votes.
Financial Report given by Brent Tolman
Bank Fees. Brent Tolman advised the board that the bank charges to receive hard copies of the bank statement. There is no charge to receive the statement electronically. Once received the Agency can provide hard copies as needed. Motion by Dan Lloyd, seconded by Brent Tolman to receive the statement electronically. All aye votes.
Discuss Annual Report
Ryan Armbruster and Rhonda Kluzik summarized the distribution and availability for the annual report, including the notice indicating public comment could be given at this meeting. Chairman Williams indicated no one was present to provide public comment. Motion by Dan Lloyd to close the public comment period. Second by Brent Tolman. All Aye votes.
Discuss Resolution Approving the Annual Report and Authorizing its Filing and Other Action
Ryan Armbruster read Resolution No. 2015-01 by title. Motion by Brent Tolman. Second by Dan Lloyd. All Aye votes.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM.