July 8, 2015 Special & Regular Council Meeting Minutes
City of Heyburn Special Council Meeting Minutes
July 08, 2015
5:30 P.M.
Council Present:
Dick Galbraith, Dusty Galliher and Cleo Gallegos. Rocky Baker – excused.
Employees Present:
Greg Richins and Ashlee Langley. Deborah F. Hopkins – excused.
Visitors Present:
Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson who welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Budget Work Session
Those present worked on the 2015-16 budget.
The meeting ended at 6:50 PM.
George A. Anderson Ashlee Langley
Mayor Deputy City Clerk
City of Heyburn Council Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2015
7:00 P.M.
Council Present:
Rocky Baker, Dick Galbraith, Dusty Galliher and Cleo Gallegos.
Employees Present:
Greg Richins, Dan Bristol, Steven Tuft, and Ashlee Langley. Deborah F. Hopkins – excused.
Visitors Present:
Rose Schmitt, Eric Quitiugua, Rick Hurst, Josh Greenwalt, Heather Peterson, Porter George, Keven George, Jim Wright, Janalyn Lopez, Kresta George, Kester Masoner, Mike Masoner, Joanne Justesen, Dan Thomander, Monet Thomander.
Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson who welcomed everyone to the meeting and then led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Anderson asked for a motion to amend the agenda to include: 21st Street Local Professional Services Agreement Number 93678 as Item Number 3A and Evans Grain and Elevator Company Sewer Waiver as Item Number 3B, the reason is that these are time sensitive documents that were just received and need action taken before the next council meeting.
Motion by Dick Galbraith to amend the agenda to include: 21st Street Local Professional Services Agreement Number 93678 as Item #3A, and Evans Grain and Elevator Company Sewer Waiver as Item #3B, the reason is that these are time sensitive documents that were just received and need action taken before the next council meeting. Second by Rocky Baker. Roll Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.
Discuss/Approve Minutes of the June 24, 2015 Council Meeting
Motion by Dick Galbraith to approve the minutes of the June 24, 2015 council meeting as presented. Second by Cleo Gallegos. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.
Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills
Motion by Dick Galbraith to approve the bills as presented. Second by Rocky Baker. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.
Discuss/Approve 21st Street Local Professional Services Agreement Number 93678
City Superintendent Greg Richins explained that the 21st Street Local Professional Services Agreement Number 93678 is a retainer for the 21st Street project design for engineers to be available for consultation in the event of changes or questions.
Motion by Dusty Galliher to approve the 21st Street Local Professional Services Agreement Number 93678 as presented. Second by Dick Galbraith. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.
Discuss/Approve Reconsideration of Sewer Waiver – Evans Grain and Elevator Company
Motion by Dick Galbraith to approve the sewer waiver for Evans Grain and Elevator Company located at 1531 Highway 30, Heyburn, ID. Second by Rocky Baker. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Reconsideration of the Ban on Skateboards/Long boards at Riverside Park
After a brief discussion a decision was made to lift on ban on long boards only not skateboards at Riverside Park on a trial basis.
Motion by Cleo Gallegos to lift the ban on long boards only not skateboards at Riverside Park on a trial basis with the stipulation that the City puts up etiquette signs. Second by Dusty Galliher. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher – Aye.
Ratify Civil Science Agreement to Conduct Sewer Lift Station Study for Elk Meadows Area Project
Greg Richins stated Elk Meadows has paid their fees and that the City is ready to move forward with the lift station study for Elk Meadows.
Motion by Rocky Baker to ratify and approve the Civil Science agreement to conduct sewer lift station study for Elk Meadows area project and authorize the Mayors signature. Second by Dusty Galliher. Roll Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Magic Valley Collection & Recovery Contract
Deputy City Clerk Ashlee Langley explained the Magic Valley Collection & Recovery Contract to those present.
Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve the Magic Valley Collection & Recovery contract and authorize the Mayors signature. Second by Dick Galbraith. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Reconsideration of Sewer Waiver – Kenworth Sales
Motion by Dick Galbraith to approve the five year sewer waiver for Treadway Investment Co., LLC – Kenworth Sales located at 583 West 3rd Street North, Heyburn, ID. Second by Rocky Baker. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Nay; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Flag Pole Proposal
Motion by Dusty Galliher to approve the flag pole purchase in the amount of $2,530.00. Second by Dick Galbraith. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher – Aye.
Executive Session as per Idaho Code 74-206 (a) Personnel (f) Matters of Litigation and (e) Matters of Trade or Commerce
Motion by Rocky Baker to go into Executive Session as per Idaho Code 74-206 (a) Personnel (f) Matters of Litigation and (e) Matters of Trade or Commerce. Second by Dick Galbraith. Roll Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.
Executive Session Minutes
Council Present:
Rocky Baker, Dick Galbraith, Dusty Galliher and Cleo Gallegos.
Employees Present:
Greg Richins and Ashlee Langley. Deborah Hopkins – excused.
Visitors Present:
The Executive Session was conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson. The topics were matters of personnel, matters of litigation and matters of trade or commerce which were discussed with those present. No decisions were made. The Executive Session began at 8:05 PM and concluded at 8:34 PM.
The council meeting did not return to open session and adjourned at 8:34 PM.
George A. Anderson Ashlee Langley
Mayor Deputy City Clerk