December 9, 2015 Council Meeting Minutes

City of Heyburn Council Meeting Minutes
December 9, 2015
7:00 P.M.



Council Present:

Rocky Baker, Dick Galbraith, Dusty Galliher, and Cleo Gallegos.


Employees Present:

Greg Richins, Steven Tuft, Dan Bristol and Ashlee Langley.


Visitors Present:

Larraine Kluzik, Ronald Kluzik, Georgia Baker, Mike Devers, Edward Gemar, Bev Hollibaugh, Jeff Poulsen, Bill Justesen, Joanne Justesen, Heather Petersen, Rose Schmitt, Mike Brown, Eric Quitugua, Jeremiah Justesen, and Alice Hansen.


Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson who welcomed everyone to the meeting and then led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mayor George A. Anderson asked for a motion to amend the agenda to include: 21st Street Change Order #6 as Item #10B, the reason is that this is a time sensitive matter that needs action taken before the next council meeting.


Motion by Rocky Baker to amend the agenda to include: 21st Street Change Order #6 as Item #10B, the reason is that this is a time sensitive matter that needs action taken before the next council meeting. Second by Dick Galbraith.   Roll Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.


Discuss/Approve Minutes of the November 10, 2015 Council Meeting

Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2015 Council Meeting as presented. Second by Dick Galbraith.  Vote:  Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye. 


Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills

Motion by Rocky Baker to approve the bills as presented. Second by Dusty Galliher. Vote:  Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye. 


Discuss/Approve/Accept the FY 2014-15 Audit – Jeff Poulsen – Evans, Poulsen & Catmull

Jeff Poulsen from Evans, Poulsen & Catmull presented the FY 2014-15 Audit for the City of Heyburn.


Motion by Rocky Baker to accept the FY 2014-15 Audit as presented by Jeff Poulsen from Evans, Poulsen & Catmull. Second by Dick Galbraith.  Roll Call Vote:  Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye. 



Mayor Time

Mayor George A. Anderson invited city resident Edward Gemar to speak about his concerns regarding the lighting on 21st Street.


Edward Gemar expressed his concerns over the lack of lighting on 21st Street. City Superintendent Greg Richins explained that street lighting was not part of the 21st Street Project and is something the city will have to budget for in future planning. Council and Mayor thanked Mr. Gemar for expressing his concerns.


Mayor George A. Anderson announced that City Attorney Steven Tuft will retire from the practice of law effective December 31, 2015.


Discuss/Appoint Michael Tribe as the new City Attorney

Mayor Anderson stated he’s appointed Michael Tribe as the new City Attorney for the City of Heyburn. He asked for the council to affirm his decision. 


Vote: Rocky Baker – Affirm; Cleo Gallegos – Nay; Dick Galbraith – Affirm; Dusty Galliher - Affirm.


The appointment of Michael Tribe was affirmed by three of the four members of the City Council.


Superintendent Time

City Superintendent Greg Richins gave an update on the garbage contract transition stating that he has met with Lyle Santos from Total Waste Management, and they are in the process of trying to make this an easy transition. Greg asked the City Council to consider letting Lyle Santos use the Tennis Court as a holding area for garbage cans during the transition.


City Superintendent Greg Richins also asked the City Council for permission to help the Minidoka County Fire Protection District with snow removal.


Fire Chief Mike Brown said that the Minidoka County Fire Protection District does not have anyone to do snow removal, and they do not have the funds available in their budget to take care of these kinds of issues.


Councilman Rocky Baker stated that he would like to abstain from the Minidoka Fire Protection District voting because he is a commissioner of the Minidoka County Fire Protection District and would create a conflict of interest.


Motion by Dick Galbraith to allow the city to conduct snow removal for the Minidoka County Fire Protection District. Second by Cleo Gallegos.  Vote:  Rocky Baker – Abstain; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye. 





Support for Vikingman Triathlon – Alice Hansen

Alice Hansen asked the City Council to support the 2016 Vikingman Triathlon.


Motion by Rocky Baker to support the 2016 Vikingman Triathlon with the proper paper work filed with the clerk’s office. Second by Cleo Gallegos.  Vote:  Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye. 


Discuss/Approve Commercial Garbage Hauling Licenses for 2016


  1. PSI Environmental

  2. Total Waste Management LLC

  3. Western Waste Services, Inc.


Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve the 2016 Commercial Garbage Hauling Licenses for PSI Environmental, Total Waste Management LLC, and Western Waste Services, Inc. Second by Rocky Baker.  Vote:  Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye. 


Discuss/Approve Salvage Yard License for 2016 – Gibson Truck & Auto

Motion by Rocky Baker to approve the 2016 Salvage Yard License for Gibson Truck & Auto. Second by ­­­­­­­­­­­Cleo Gallegos.  Vote:  Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye. 


Discuss/Approve 21st Street Change Order No. 5

City Superintendent Greg Richins explained that Change Order No. 5 is for the additional work to remove the casing on the existing 12” waterline to cross connect the new water line to the existing line and to provide a sleeve on the new line as needed.


Motion by Dick Galbraith to approve the 21st Street Change Order No. 5.  Second by ­­­­­­­­­­­­Dusty Galliher.  Vote:  Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye. 


Discuss/Approve 21st Street Change Order No. 6

City Superintendent Greg Richins explained that 21st Street Change Order No. 6 is for the bore specifications.


Motion by Dusty Galliher to approve the 21st Street Change Order No. 6 and authorize payment in the amount of $152,870.36 to the Idaho Transportation Department.  Second by ­­­­­­­­­­­­Rocky Baker.  Vote:  Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye. 


Accept the Minidoka County Commissioner’s Canvass of Votes

Motion by Dick Galbraith to accept the Minidoka County Commissioner’s Canvass of Votes as follows:


Mayor 4 -Year Term

                                                Heyburn #1                 Heyburn #2                 Early Voting

            Cleo Fay Gallegos      136                              78                                15

            Mark E. Rosa             154                              49                                10


            TOTAL:                          229      Cleo Fay Gallegos

                                                213      Mark E. Rosa


City Council  4 -Year Term

                                                                       Heyburn #1        Heyburn #2       Early Voting

            George A. Anderson                           141                     64                     8

            Clarence Lanier “Rocky” Baker             171                    59                     10

            Joanne Justesen                                 161                     78                      20


            TOTAL:                         213      George A. Anderson

                                                240      Clarence Lanier “Rocky” Baker

                                                259      Joanne Justesen


Second by Rocky Baker. Vote:  Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher – Aye.


Review of November Monthly Department Head Reports

The November Monthly Department Head Reports were reviewed by those present.





The council meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.






George A. Anderson                                            Ashlee Langley

Mayor                                                                 City Clerk/Treasurer