December 7, 2015 Planning & Zoning Minutes
City of Heyburn Planning & Zoning Minutes
December 7, 2015
7:00 P.M.
Call Meeting to Order
The Planning & Zoning meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. and a declaration of a quorum present by Chairman Russ Smith.
Declaration of Quorum
A quorum was present.
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
No conflict of interest.
Public Hearing – Special Use Permit – Application by Mark Gardoski, Marky’s Super Tow
Chairman Russ Smith presented information on the application submitted by Mark Gardoski, Markey’s Super Tow. This application is for the property located at 1800 South Highway 30 in an Industrial Light zoning district to be used as an impound and parking area for the towing business.
Chairman Russ Smith opened the public hearing.
Those speaking in favor of the Markey’s Super Tow were: None.
Those speaking against the Markey’s Super Tow were: None.
Those speaking neither against nor in favor of the Markey’s Super Tow were: None.
Hearing no further comments, Russ Smith closed the public hearing.
Motion by Scot Bell to approve the Special Use Permit application submitted as a Tow Yard by Mark Gardoski, Markey’s Super Tow for the property located at 1800 South Highway 30. Second by Tony Luna. Motion carried unanimously.
With Four Stipulations to the Special Use Permit:
1. Fence – Mesh Fencing facing down 18th street and Highway 30
2. 30 Day Return Policy
3. ISP Towing Policy
4. Never Become a Salvage Yard
5. Directional Lighting
Other Business
Confirm date of next meeting – It was decided the next Planning & Zoning Meeting will be scheduled for January 12, 2016.
The Planning & Zoning meeting adjourned at 7:47 PM.
______________________ ______________________
Russ Smith Rhonda Kluzik
Chairman Temporary Secretary