March 4, 2013 Urban Renewal Agency Minutes
Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2013 – 10:30 AM
Members Present: David Nebeker and Brent Tolman. Greg Richins and Deb Hopkins from the City of Heyburn.
Ralph Williams and Ryan Armbruster attended by telephone.
Guests Present: None.
Chairman Ralph Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Hearing none, Chairman Williams continued with the agenda.
Executive Session as per Idaho Code 67-2345(a) Personnel
Motion by Brent Tolman to go into Executive Session as per Idaho Code 67-2345(a) Personnel. Second by David Nebeker. Roll Call Vote: David Nebeker – Aye; Brent Tolman – Aye.
Executive Session Minutes.
Members Present:
Ralph Williams, David Nebeker, and Brent Tolman.
Employees Present:
Guests Present:
Greg Richins and Deborah Hopkins.
The meeting was conducted by Chairman Williams. The topic was a matter of personnel. These matters were discussed with the members and guests present. Executive Session began at 10:42 AM and concluded at 11:04 AM. No decisions were made. The meeting returned to open session.
Ryan Armbruster then joined the meeting in progress via the telephone.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Dave Nebeker to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2013 meeting as presented. Second by Brent Tolman. All Aye votes.
Approval of Expenditures and Present Bills for Approval to the City
Motion by Brent Tolman to approve the bills as presented – Elam & Burke for $717.30. Second by Dave Nebeker. All Aye votes. Mr. Armbruster graciously agreed to continue to wait for payment.
Update on Status of the Northwest Industrial Project
Chairman Williams stated that Ken Lebsack is requesting the balance of $3,000 that is owed to him by the Heyburn URA. Chairman Williams also reported that Ken Lebsack was also asking about the other funds that are due him and the procedure to secure those funds.
Heyburn URA Attorney Ryan Armbruster stated he has also talked to Ken Lebsack. Mr. Armbruster informed those present that it is up to Ken Lebsack to get the information and remaining paperwork to the Heyburn URA before a second note can be issued. Until such time as the proper paperwork has been received, the process is in a holding pattern.
Discuss/Approve the Financial Status of the Agency to Determine if Interim Funding Should be Requested
Ryan Armbruster reported a letter has gone out to Lyman Belnap, legal counsel for the Alfresco Project requesting additional funding for Phase 2 of the project. Mr. Belnap has requested some additional information which Mr. Armbruster will provide.
The financial status of the Heyburn URA was discussed among the membership. Some of the items to consider were not meeting every month unless agenda items warrant it. Another item to consider was not having legal representation attend every meeting. Brent Tolman volunteered to attend a Heyburn City Council meeting to request the remaining funds ($17,000) pending his March schedule. Mr. Tolman will confirm the meeting date with City Clerk Deb Hopkins. David Nebeker also volunteered to attend the city council meeting.
Update on Status of Hiring Administrative Assistant
Chairman Williams stated that he has visited with City Attorney Steven Tuft to discuss the possibility of hiring an Administrative Assistant through the City of Heyburn on a part-time basis. Mr. Tuft will need to check with ICRMP and then visit with Chairman Williams again on this possibility.
Review and Consider 2012 Annual Report
Members present reviewed the draft of the 2012 Annual Report.
Motion by Brent Tolman to accept the tentative draft of the 2012 Annual Report. Second by Dave Nebeker. All Aye votes.
Legislation Update
Ryan Armbruster reported briefly on the Legislature.
There being no other business, Chairman Williams adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be a special meeting on Monday, March 25, 2013 at 11:00 AM.
Meeting adjourned at 11:35 AM.