July 1, 2013 Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency Minutes

Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency Meeting Minutes

July 1, 2013 – 11:00 AM


Members Present: David Nebeker, Dan Lloyd, Ralph Williams, and Brent Tolman.  Greg Richins and Deb Hopkins from the City of Heyburn.


Guests Present:  Ryan Armbruster - Counsel for the Agency, and Brett Williams.


Chairman Ralph Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked if there were any changes to the agenda.  Hearing none, Chairman Williams proceeded with the agenda. 


Discuss/Approve the June 10, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes

Motion by Dan Lloyd to approve the June 10, 2013 special meeting minutes.  Second by David Nebeker.  All Aye votes.


Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills

Motion by Dan Lloyd to approve paying the following bills for the Heyburn URA:

            Times News - $64.56

            ICRMP - $467.50

            Elam & Burke - $1,524.10


Second by David Nebeker.  All Aye votes.


Discussion Impact of the Tax Exemption by Double L

Ryan Armbruster reviewed the impact of the 25% tax exemption granted to Double L for the next five years from the Minidoka County Commissioners.  This item and the impact it will have on the funding for the Heyburn URA was discussed among those present. 


Chairman Williams asked Mr. Armbruster to write a letter to Max Vaughn, Minidoka County Assessor, requesting the estimated revenues to be received by the Heyburn URA as soon as possible.   


Financial Status for Remainder of 2013

Brent Tolman, Treasurer for the Heyburn URA reported after expenditures approved earlier in this meeting, the agency will have a balance of $11,257.43.  Anticipated upcoming expenditures include the publication of legal notices in the Times News. 


FY 2014 Budget Discussion –

a)      Schedule Meeting Date

b)      Schedule Public Hearing Date


Scheduling of the next meeting date and the public hearing date were discussed by those present.  It was decided the next regular meeting will be Monday, August 5, 2013.


The Public Hearing Date was scheduled for Monday, August 26, 2013, at 11:00 AM.  The agency will also have a regular meeting on this date to take the place of the regularly scheduled meeting on September 2, 2013. 



Discuss/Authorize Submittal of Property Tax Forms to Minidoka County

This item was discussed and will require further explanation. 


Future Development Within the Project Area

Those present briefly discussed the criteria of potential occupants within the Magic Valley Business Park.


City Superintendent Greg Richins reminded the membership to include in the 2014 budget monies for an Administrative Assistant. 


Meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM.