July 14, 2010 Minutes
City of Heyburn Council Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2010
7:00 P.M.
Council Present:
Cleo Gallegos, Rocky Baker, Leann Smith, and Joanne Justesen.
Employees Present:
Deb Hopkins, Scott Spevak, Steven Tuft, and Dan Bristol.
Visitors Present: Bill and Norma Morrison, Tami Ursenbach, Jeff Poulsen, and Stacey Hughey.
Meeting conducted by Council President Leann Smith. President Smith welcomed everyone to the meeting and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approve Minutes of the Council Meeting on June 23, 2010.
Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve the June 23, 2010 council meeting minutes as presented. Second by Joanne Justesen. Vote: Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye; Leann Smith - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye.
Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills.
Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve paying the bills as submitted. Second by Rocky Baker. Vote: Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye; Leann Smith - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye.
Discuss/Approve Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Audit - Sewer Plant - Jeff Poulsen
Jeff Poulsen from Evans and Poulsen presented a brief overview of the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Audit. He stated this audit was required because of the funding received from Rural Development. He stated the funds were appropriately expended with regard to the sewer plant project.
Motion by Rocky Baker to accept the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Audit as submitted by Evans and Poulsen. Second by Joanne Justesen . Roll Call Vote: Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye; Leann Smith - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye.
Discuss Ordinance No. 531 - Rezone of the Alfresco Parkway - Third Reading
Motion by Rocky Baker to read Ordinance No. 531 by title only. Second by Cleo Gallegos. Roll Call Vote: Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye; Leann Smith - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye.
City Attorney Steven Tuft read Ordinance No. 531 by title only for the third reading.
Discuss/Approve Resolution 2010-6 - Creation of an Urban Renewal Agency
Motion by Joanne Justesen to approve Resolution 2010-6 Creation of an Urban Renewal Agency. Second by Rocky Baker. Vote: Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye; Leann Smith - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye.
Discuss/Approve Beer and Wine Licenses for 2010-2011
Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve the 2010-2011 Beer and Wine Licenses as submitted. Second by Joanne Justesen. Roll Call Vote: Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye; Leann Smith - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye.
Discuss/Approve ICUA Delegate
Motion by Rocky Baker to appoint Mayor George Anderson as the ICUA Delegate. Second by Cleo Gallegos. Vote: Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye; Leann Smith - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye.
Executive Session for Matters of Litigation and Commerce as authorized by Idaho Code Section 67-2345.
Motion by Rocky Baker to go into Executive Session for Matters of Litigation and Commerce as per Idaho Code Section 67-2345. Second by Cleo Gallegos. Roll Call Vote: Cleo Gallegos, Aye; Rocky Baker, Aye; Leann Smith, Aye; Joanne Justesen, Aye.
Executive Session Minutes.
Council Present:
Cleo Gallegos, Leann Smith, Rocky Baker and Joanne Justesen.
Employees Present:
Scott Spevak, Mike Brown and Deb Hopkins.
Meeting conducted by President Smith. The topics were litigation issues and matters of commerce. Executive Session began at 7:20 PM and concluded at 9:30 PM.
No decisions were made.
Regular council session resumed at 9:30 PM.
Budget Work Session
City council members and staff reviewed tentative budget items for the 2010-11 fiscal year.
The council meeting ended at 10:00 PM.
Leann Smith
Council President
Deborah F. Hopkins
City Clerk