April 14, 2010 Minutes

 City of Heyburn Council Meeting and Public Hearing Minutes

April 14, 2010

7:00 P.M.


Council Present:

Cleo Gallegos, Rocky Baker, Leann Smith, and Joanne Justesen.

Employees Present:

Scott Spevak, Dan Bristol, Deb Hopkins, Earl Andrew and Steven Tuft.  

Visitors Present:

Norma Morrison, Lisa Taylor, Brenda Christ, Stan Zielinski, Steve and Carol Loveless, Max Garner, Paul Aston, Laurie Welch, Rose Schmitt, Vernon Stephens, Jan Bywater, Dawna Andrew, Kerry Clark, Andy and Paula Scott, and Roy Belnap.  


Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson.  Mayor Anderson welcomed everyone to the meeting.  He led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Approve Minutes of the Council Meeting on March 24, 2010 and Special Council Meeting of March 31, 2010.

Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve the minutes for the Council Meeting on March 24, 2010 and Special Council Meeting held on March 31, 2010 as presented.  Second by Rocky Baker.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye. Rocky Baker – Aye.


Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills.

Motion by Rocky Baker to approve paying the bills as presented.  Second by Leann Smith.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Approve Options for Restrooms at the Riverside RV Park - Kerry Clark

City of Heyburn resident Kerry Clark presented concerns over the restrooms at the Riverside RV Park being locked.  He suggested being able to pay a small yearly fee to be able to have a key code for the restroom. 


City Superintendent Scott Spevak stated the restrooms at the RV Park have been hit really hard with vandalism and until the offenders can be caught, vandalism would continue to be a problem.  Several different ideas and possible solutions were discussed among the council, city employees, and audience members.   


City Councilman Rocky Baker suggested a committee be formed that included walkers, the Chief of Police, and city employees to come up with a solution.   Mr. Clark agreed to be a part of this committee. 


Public Hearing - Blue River Estates Subdivision Phase I - Paul Aston

Norma Morrison from the City of Heyburn Planning and Zoning to recommend approval of the application submitted for Blue River Estates Lots 4, 9 and 10 for the construction of townhouses. 


Paul Aston, Minidoka County Planning and Zoning Administrator stated the current zoning is Residential Medium.  Blue River Estates has requested that the final plat be amended to allow for the creation of townhouses on the three larger lots.  Mr. Aston stated that by law a lot cannot be split in half without first amending the plat. 


Mayor Anderson opened the Public Hearing on the Annexation and Zoning Designation of the Blue River Estates Subdivision Phase I.    


Roy Belnap spoke regarding the requested change in the final plat.  He stated if this change is not approved, the existing unit will remain a duplex.  If this amendment is approved, they can be sold as individual properties.   He stated they are large units of 2,700 square feet. 


Those speaking in favor were:  None. 


Those speaking against were:  None. 


Mayor Anderson asked if there was anyone who wished to speak regarding this matter or to ask questions.  Council member Leann Smith asked Mr. Belnap for more information regarding the timing and development of the infrastructure to which Mr. Belnap replied that he anticipates that it will be completed by the first of June. 


Mayor Anderson again asked if there were any other questions.  Hearing none, Mayor Anderson closed the public hearing.


Motion by Leann Smith to accept the Amendment of the Final Blue River Estates Subdivision Plat Phase I.  Second by Rocky Baker.  Roll Call Vote:  Leann Smith – Aye, Rocky Baker – Aye, Joanne Justesen – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye. 


Discuss/Approve Revised Agreement and Conditional Easement - Max Garner

Max Garner discussed his concerns and asked questions with some items in the revised agreement.  Mr. Garner stated that he will take the revisions and changes under advisement and get back to the council. 


City Attorney Steven Tuft suggested to the Mayor and Council that perhaps the Planning and Zoning Commission be tasked with working on the overall plan and development of Cassia Street as it continues to be an issue brought before the council.   After discussion, Paul Aston was directed by the Mayor and Council to have the Heyburn Planning and Zoning Commission look at Cassia Street to see if this issue can be resolved.


Discuss/Approve Resolution No. 2010-4 Destruction of Certain Semi-permanent and Temporary Records

City Clerk Deb Hopkins informed the mayor and council members that a letter had been received from the Idaho Public Archives stating they had no interest in the semi-permanent and temporary records listed in Resolution No. 2010-4 and that by code, there needs to be a resolution approved to destroy these records. 


Motion by Leann Smith to approve Resolution No. 2010-4 Destruction of Certain Semi-permanent and Temporary Records for 2003-2004.  Second by Cleo Gallegos .  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Approve Resolution No. 2010-5 Fair Housing Resolution and Fair Housing Month Proclamation

City Attorney Steven Tuft informed the mayor and council that a new requirement to the Fair Housing Resolution is the completion of a Fair Housing Impediment Analysis in which Jeff McCurdy from Region IV has agreed to help the city complete. 


Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve Resolution No. 2010-5 Fair Housing Resolution,  Fair Housing Month, and authorize mayoral signatures.  Second by Rocky Baker.  Roll Call Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Approve Waiver of Fees for Use of Riverside Park for Heart to Heart Fundraiser - Lisa Taylor

Lisa Taylor presented information on a fundraiser they are doing called “Heart to Heart” in which funds raised will be divided equally between the Mini-Cassia Christmas Council and a needy family in the area with the Rock and Tracy Temple family designated as the beneficiary for 2011.  She asked the council members to waive the fee for use of the park.  5K Family Fun Run/Walk for February 12, 2011. 


Lisa Taylor was asked to come back to the next City of Heyburn Council meeting at which time the required forms will be available. 


Discuss/Approve Summaries of Ordinance No. 528 and 529 - Cable One and Project Mutual Telephone Franchise Agreements

City Attorney Steven Tuft explained to the mayor and council members the reason for the summaries of both ordinances. 


Motion by Rocky Baker to approve the Summaries of Ordinance No. 528 and No. 529 and Mayor and Attorney Sign them.  Second by Cleo Gallegos .  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Approve Budget Hearing Date - August 25, 2010

The Minidoka County Clerk must be notified by April 30, 2010 of the date and time of the 2010-2011 Budget Hearing Date.  It was suggested a date of August 25, 2010 at 7:00 PM. 


Motion by Leann Smith to set the 2010-2011 Budget Hearing Date on August 25, 2010 at 7:00 PM.  Second by Joanne Justesen.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Authorize Hiring Full-Time and Summer Intern for Parks

Earl Andrew asked the mayor and council to consider hiring summer interns at the parks with horticulture backgrounds in hopes of hiring dependable and knowledgeable summer workers to help with the development of the parks. 


Motion by Leann Smith to authorize Earl Andrew to look for summer interns and bring those recommendations back to the council.  Second by Joanne Justesen.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Motion by Leann Smith to authorize City Superintendent Scott Spevak to bring his recommendations to the council to hire an additional full-time employee throughout the City, for parks, mowing, snow removal, street department, and wherever he needs to be used.  Second by Rocky Baker.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


City Superintendent Scott Spevak asked for a salary range the council was thinking so that he could tell potential applicants.  Consensus of the council members was $10 per hour with the possibility of increases depending on job performance and evaluations. 


Discuss/Approve Hooking up to Sewer/Water - Loveless Property - Scott Spevak

City Superintendent Scott Spevak informed the mayor and council that Steven Loveless is requesting to hook up to city sewer.  His address is 418 South 400 West and is located just outside of the city limits.  According to Resolution No. 2000-5, he cannot be hooked up to city services unless he is annexed or the city council members approve connecting him without being annexed. 


Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve connecting Steven Loveless to city sewer at his expense.  Second by Leann Smith.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Approve Security Options - Deb Hopkins

City Clerk Deb Hopkins discussed with the mayor and council making improvements to the customer service counter area.  One option available would be to install four security cameras at an estimated cost of $1,500.  Others options discussed were the installation of a glass security wall at the front counter and the installation of a panic button hooked into the existing alarm system.


The mayor and council members asked for bids to be submitted and brought back to the council for discussion. 


Executive Session for Litigation as authorized by Idaho Code Section 67- 2345.

Motion by Rocky Baker to go into Executive Sessions for Litigation as authorized by Idaho Code Section 67-2345.  Second by Leann Smith.  Roll Call Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.

Executive Session Minutes.

Council Present:

Cleo Gallegos, Leann Smith, Rocky Baker and Joanne Justesen.

Employees Present:

Steve Tuft, Deb Hopkins, and Scott Spevak.


Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson.  The topic was litigation and that the City’s position in the Renova bankruptcy was discussed with City Attorney Steven Tuft. 


No decisions were made.


The executive session ended at 9:30 p.m. 











George A. Anderson, Mayor






Deborah F. Hopkins

City Clerk