March 31, 2010 Special Council Meeting Minutes

 City of Heyburn Special Council Meeting Minutes

March 31, 2010

5:30 P.M.


Council Present:

Cleo Gallegos, Rocky Baker, Leann Smith, and Joanne Justesen.

Employees Present:

Deb Hopkins, and Steve Tuft.  Scott Spevak - excused. 

Visitors Present:



Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson.


Discuss/Approve Mayoral Signature on Mowers Plus Contract

Councilwoman Cleo Gallegos read a prepared statement regarding her concerns and objections to Mowers Plus.  She asked to go on record that she did not approve and will not approve checks issued on February 12, 2010 and March 15, 2010 and will not approve any future checks made out to Mowers Plus.


Motion by Cleo Gallegos to not approve the agreement with Mowers Plus and terminate all working relations with Mowers Plus.  Second by Leann Smith. 


After discussion, Councilwoman Cleo Gallegos amended her motion to not approve the agreement with Mowers Plus and terminate all working relations with Mowers Plus effective March 31, 2010.  Second by Leann Smith.   Roll Call Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye. 


Councilman Rocky Baker asked to go on record saying that Mowers Plus has done right by the city and that Mowers Plus has done the jobs they were paid to do.


Meeting adjourned at 5:50 PM. 






George A. Anderson, Mayor






Deborah F. Hopkins

City Clerk