August 10, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes
Mayor: Mayor Cleo Gallegos.
Council Present: Rocky Baker, Dick Galbraith, Dusty Galliher, and Joanne Justesen.
Employees Present:
Dan Bristol, Eric Christensen, Anson Parke, Greg Richins, Michael Tribe, and Ashlee Langley.
Visitors Present:
Heather Petersen, Kyla Sawyer, and Rose Schmitt.
Meeting conducted by Mayor Cleo Gallegos who welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Welcome & Pledge
Mayor Gallegos asked City Resident Heather Petersen to lead those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Gallegos asked for a motion to amend the agenda to include 21st and “T” Street Retaining Wall Extension as Item #10b as well as including Discuss/Approve on items 6, 7, and 8 due to the fact these matters were discovered after the agenda was set.
Motion by Dick Galbraith to approve the amended agenda to include Discuss/Approve on items 6, 7, and 8 as well as Discuss/Approve 21st and “T” Street Retaining Wall Extension due to the fact these matters were discovered after the agenda was set. Second by Joanne Justesen. Roll-Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Minutes of the July 27, 2016 Council Meeting
Motion by Dusty Galliher to approve the minutes of July 27, 2016 Council Meeting as presented. Second by Rocky Baker. Roll-Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills
Motion by Dusty Galliher to approve the bills as presented excluding Hach Company for further explanation and possible approval at a later date. Second by Dick Galbraith. Roll-Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Heyburn Post Office Lease Agreement
City Attorney Michael Tribe presented the proposed Lease Agreement for the Heyburn Post Office. Mr. Tribe explained this Lease Agreement is for a five year renewal period for an additional $531.00 a year increase. Mr. Tribe recommended the city council approve the Lease Agreement as presented.
Motion by Dick Galbraith to approve the Heyburn Post Office Lease Agreement as presented and authorize the Mayor’s signature. Second by Dusty Galliher. Roll-Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Resolution No. 2016-2 – Mini-Cassia Community Chest Lease Agreement
City Attorney Michael Tribe presented Resolution No. 2016-2 for the Mini-Cassia Community Chest Lease Agreement clarify the City owns the two acre parcel of land and the Mini-Cassia Community Chest owns the building.
Motion by Dusty Galliher to approve Resolution No. 2016-2 Mini-Cassia Community Chest Lease Agreement as presented correcting scriveners error. Second by Joanne Justesen. Roll-Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Quote for Purchase of Kent Hydraulic Compactor & John Deere 310Sk Backhoe Loader
Street Department Manager, Anson Parke presented a quote from Coastline Equipment for a purchase of a Kent Hydraulic Compactor & John Deere 310SK Backhoe Loader.
Councilwomen Joanne Justesen felt for the safety of the City employees that the Kent Hydraulic Compactor and the John Deere 310SK Backhoe Loader be purchased as the money was appropriated in the passing of the 2015-16 budget.
Motion by Joanne Justesen to approve the purchase of a Kent Hydraulic Compactor in the amount of $8,266.00 and a John Deere 310SK Backhoe Loader in the amount of $5,621.00 from Coastline Equipment. The motion dies for a lack of a second.
After a lengthy discussion concerning the budget restraints those present decided to re-address the purchase of the Compacter and Backhoe Loader at a later date.
Discuss/Approve Bid Proposal for Base Preparation and Asphalt Paving at End of Queens Way
Street Department Manager, Anson Parke presented a quote from Kloepher Inc. for Base Preparation and Asphalt Paving at the end of Queens Way.
After discussion, this item was tabled.
ArcGIS Desktop Basic Single Use Primary Maintenance Renewal
City Superintendent Greg Richins presented a quote from Esri Inc. for the ArcGIS Desktop Maintenance Renewal.
Motion by Rocky Baker to authorize the Mayors signature and payment in the amount of $800.00 to Esri Inc. for the Annual Maintenance Renewal. Second by Dick Galbraith. Roll-Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Submittal of the 2017 ITD Grant – Dan Bristol
Police Chief Dan Bristol asked city council for permission to submit for the 2017 ITD Traffic Enforcement Mobilization Grant as soon as it becomes available.
Motion by Joanne Justesen to approve the submittal of the 2017 ITD Traffic Enforcement Mobilization Grant. Second by Dick Galbraith. Roll-Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.
21st and “T” Street Retaining Wall Extension
Robert Ramsey from Civil Science presented the extension of the retaining wall on 21st and “T” Street. Mr. Ramsey recommended the approval of the retaining wall at no additional out of pocket expense to the City.
Motion by Dick Galbraith to approve the 21st Street “T” Street Retaining Wall Extension as presented. Second by Rocky Baker. Roll-Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.
Comments from the Public
Mayor Gallegos opened this time up to the public for additional comments.
The council meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Cleo Gallegos Ashlee Langley
Mayor City Clerk/Treasurer