February 5, 2018 Urban Renewal Agency Minutes
Present: Commissioners Dan Lloyd, Kent Warr, Clayton King
Visitors: Ashlee Langley, City of Heyburn; Tony Morley, City of Heyburn; Brent Tolman – Outwest Policy Advisors (Administrative Services); Ryan Armbruster, Legal Counsel
Chair Dan Lloyd called the meeting to order at 11:05 AM
Chair Lloyd presented and asked for any changes to the agenda. No changes to the agenda were presented.
Chair Lloyd asked if there were changes to the meeting minutes of November 6, 2017. Hearing none Commissioner Warr motioned to approve the minutes with Commissioner King as 2nd. Minutes were approved as presented.
Chair Lloyd asked Administrative Services contractor to review any correspondence received. Mr. Tolman presented correspondence regarding contractor’s insurance policy as per the contract for liability insurance and an email from the Agency’s insurance agent regarding ICRMP notifications on # of employees and W3 filings of which the agency has none.
Financial Status – Chair Lloyd asked Mr. Tolman for an update on the financial status.
- Beginning Checkbook balance is $40690.37
o Revenues = $35947.62
o Current bills = $28,940.98
- City of Heyburn $8986.91
- Ken Lebsack $17,973.81
- Elam & Burke Legal Counsel $962.40
- October 2017 $442.40 (443.00 less $0.60 credit)
- November 2017 $480.00
- December 2017 $40.00
- Outwest Policy Advisors – Admin Service $1017.86
- Ending Checkbook balance is $47,697.01
Vice Chair King motioned to approve payment of the bills as presented. Commissioner Warr 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
Chair Lloyd asked Mr. Tolman to present the 2017 Annual Report draft. Two dates were clarified to change from 2016 and 2017 to 201 7 and 2018 respectively. Changes were made and the 2017 Annual Report Draft was approved for publication and to schedule a public hearing. Hearing scheduled for March 19, 2018 at 11:00 am. Vice Chair King motioned to approve publication of the 2017 Annual Report and schedule the public meeting as stated. Commissioner Warr 2nd. Motion approved unanimously.
Resolution 2018-1 Bylaws - Review Amended and Restated Bylaws - after discussing the proposed changes the chair decided to move this item to the next meeting-March 19, 2018.
Urban Renewal 101 training session - Chair Lloyd asked Mr. Armbruster to present the Urban Renewal 101 training prepared for the commissioners. He provided each commissioner with a packet of information prepared to explain the history of Urban Renewal law in Idaho, how it is applied and issues commissioners need to be knowledgeable about as they perform their responsibilities. His role is to guide the commissioners when questions of law arise and help keep them between the bounds of the Urban Renewal laws. Packets are available for those who did not make the meeting and will be provided at the next meeting
Chairman Lloyd adjourned the meeting at 12:13 pm AM following a motion by Commissioner Warr, 2nd Commissioner King.
Respectfully submitted by Brent Tolman
Outwest Policy Advisors