April 19, 2018 Urban Renewal Agency Special Meeting Minutes

Heyburn City Hall
941 18th Street
Heyburn, Idaho 83336
April 19, 2018
11:00 a.m.


Members present: Dan Lloyd, Chair; Leann Smith; Kent Warr


Guests: Mike Tilley, 208 business Park; Robin Andersen, The Boulevard; Ashlee Langley, City Clerk; Tony

Morley, City Administrator; Brent Tolman, Outwest Policy Advisors


Chairman Lloyd called the meeting to order at 11:03 AM and asked for any changes to the agenda, none

were made.


Chairman Lloyd asked for if there were any changes to the minutes. No changes proposed, Smith

motioned to approve, 2nd by Warr. Minutes approved.


Discussion of bills due and paid previous to meeting. Motion by to approve Smith, 2nd by Warr. Motion

approved unanimously.


Chairman Lloyd opened discussion on MOU’s for 208 and The Boulevard projects:


              a) 208 Business Park – Developer was agreeable to the terms of MOU. Asked about breaking ground prior to city approval. Developer still needs to get plat                            application into city and will wait to move dirt until final plat is approved by city. Resolution 2018-3 read by title, motion to approve by Smith, 2nd by Warr. Motion                approved.  Developer left check with Agency for $4000. Re-plat should be sufficient for meeting mapping requirements.


               b) The Boulevard – Chair asked for a review of a meeting with the developer and their legal counsel prior to the meeting. Developer submitted changes to the MOU                 and the MOU will require are view to discuss the proposed changes. Legal counsel will review and provide feedback to agency. Changes made to statutes regarding                 multiple Revenue Allocation Areas within an urban renewal development area. Legal counsel, Chair, and consultant to meet to discuss the MOU changes and work                  with developer to reach agreement. Developer questioned why there is a need to revisit the eligibility report and who will pay for it. Legal counsel explained that                     the steps required to complete the urban renewal plan and such costs have to be covered by the developer or third party. Chair instructed legal counsel,                               consultant on eligibility report and chair to meet and discuss MOU and plan moving forward.


Audit status – Outwest Policy Advisors reported that he auditor has requested certain information for

the audit much of which has been provided to audit firm. Do need a signature on the Engagement

Letter, and an authorized signer on the checking account for bank verification.


Meeting adjourned at 12:00 PM motion by Warr, 2nd by Smith