April 4, 2018 Urban Renewal Agency Special Meeting Minutes
Chairman Lloyd opened the meeting at 11:03 am and asked if there were any changes to the agenda. None were presented
Chairman Lloyd asked for action on the minutes corrections, no corrections were presented, Motion to approve by Smith, 2nd by Warr. With no further discussion, motion was approved.
Chairman Lloyd asked for ratification of bill paid prior to this meeting. Mr. Tolman explained an error in billings and payments and that the amount owed to Elam and Burke is $909.01. Motion to ratify the following payments by Warr, 2nd by King.
Elam & Burke |
legal Jan, Feb |
$ 949.01 |
Insurance |
$ 600.50 |
Times News |
legal notices |
$ 38.49 |
Outwest Policy Advisors |
$ 1,000.00 |
Mr. Tolman explained an error in billings and payments and that the amount owed to Elam and Burke is $909.01. Motion by King to pay outstanding balance to Elam & Burke of $909.01, 2nd by Warr , motion approved.
No new checks have cleared the bank during the past month.
Bank balance March 30, 2018 $46,697.01
Chairman Lloyd moved to item 5 for an update on the 208 Business Park. Brian Tibbets and Mike tilley presented cost estimates from Moon & Associates, discussion of re-platting of the property and vacating First Street, change plat to reopen 2nd street, change the size of currently platted properties. Need approval from Idaho Power and Kenworth to move forward with re-plat. Discussion of cost estimates provided by developer’s engineer; including street lights, sidewalks and other possible concerns. 208 Business Park would require property owners to put sidewalk in on improved lots.
Discussion of possible costs for eligibility and feasibility studies and how the process will need to work, MOU’s terms, and how to proceed. 208 Developers left the meeting following discussion.
Chairman Lloyd returned to Item 4 Alfresco Project (now named The Boulevard), Robyn Andersen called her development engineer to participate in the call. Robyn presented the current status of the project, including the need by the city to upgrade the wastewater collection system. Tony Morley, City Administrator for Heyburn discussed needs to add additional capacity for the entire project though the current capacity will handle the 48 multi-family housing.
Phase one is primarily focused on residential units – both multi and single family housing. The currently proposed lift station will need to be moved to accommodate growth projections for the area.
Terra Firma, did hire an outside party to do a feasibility study. Vice Chair King addressed the need to review the eligibility report completed in 2012. Discussion of timing to make this project move forward as base value will be set this year by county assessor.
Developer has 90% of costs gathered and anticipate they will finalize the total costs soon. Discussion of how the agency can assist with downstream development of the wastewater treatment system.
Question of whether the multi-family apartments qualify for urban renewal assistance. Developer does not anticipate single family or townhouses being part of the urban renewal area but hopes the multi-family portion can be.
Agency instructed legal counsel and Outwest Policy Advisors to prepare cost estimates and beginning terms and conditions for MOU’s with developers. Motion by King to approve Outwest Policy Advisors and Elam & Burke to begin compiling cost estimates to move both the 208 Business Park and The Boulevard projects forward and begin the process of reviewing eligibility and feasibility reports. 2nd by Smith. Approved.
Adjourn at 12:07 PM Motion by Smith, 2nd by Warr