March 14, 2018 Council Meeting Minutes
Mayor: Mayor Cleo Gallegos.
Council Present: Chad Anderson, Dick Galbraith, Joanne Justesen, and Rose Schmitt.
Council Absent: None.
Welcome & Pledge
Meeting conducted by Mayor Cleo Gallegos who welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Mayor Gallegos asked Police Chief Dan Bristol to lead those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Discuss / Approve Minutes of the February 28, 2018 Council Meeting & Public Hearing & the March 06, 2018 City Council Work Session
Motion by Joanne Justesen to approve the minutes of the February 28, 2018 Council Meeting & Public Hearing both held February 28, 2018 and the March 06, 2018 City Council Work Session as presented. Second by Chad Anderson. Roll-Call Vote: Chad Anderson – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rose Schmitt – Aye.
Discuss / Approve Paying the Bills
Motion by Chad Anderson to approve the bills as presented. Second by Joanne Justesen. Roll-Call Vote: Chad Anderson – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rose Schmitt – Aye.
Discuss / Approve Setting the Public Hearing Date for the 2018-19 FY Budget – Ashlee Langley
City Clerk Ashlee Langley stated the City needs to notify the Minidoka County Clerk of the 2018-19 Budget Hearing date no later than April 30, 2018. Mrs. Langley suggested the hearing date be set for August 22, 2018 at 7:00 PM.
Motion by Joanne Justesen to approve setting the Public Hearing date of August 22, 2018 at 7:00 PM for the 2018-19 FY Budget. Second by Dick Galbraith. Roll-Call Vote: Chad Anderson – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rose Schmitt – Aye.
Discuss / Approve Resolution No. 2018- 2 Amending Water, Sewer, and Irrigation Rates
City Administrator Tony Morley informed those present that the reason for the amendment to the water, sewer, and irrigation rates resolution is to correct a scrivener’s error and add clarification to the irrigation billing in the areas throughout the City that the irrigation water is not accessible.
Motion by Joanne Justesen to approve Resolution No. 2018-2 Amending Water, Sewer, and Irrigation Rates as presented authorizing the Mayors signature. Second by Rose Schmitt. Roll-Call Vote: Chad Anderson – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rose Schmitt – Aye.
Discuss / Approve Purchase of Pump for Lift Station #3
City Administrator Tony Morley presented a bid from Energy Management Corporation in the amount of $8,333 to purchase a pump for Lift Station #3. Mr. Morley explained the need to purchase this pump to those present.
Motion by Joanne Justesen to approve the purchase of a pump from Energy Management Corporation in the amount of $8,333 for Lift Station #3. Second by Chad Anderson. Roll-Call Vote: Chad Anderson – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rose Schmitt – Aye.
Discuss / Approve IT Service Contract
City Administrator Tony Morley discussed the IT Service Contract options with the city council. Mr. Morley stated the city council reviewed the proposals at the March 06, 2018 Work Session and at that time the city was waiting on one more proposal. Mr. Morley presented that proposal to those present.
After discussion, this item was tabled.
Mayors Time & Committee Reports
Council President Joanne Justesen provided those present with an update from the latest Joint Powers Animal Control meeting stating board met with the Minidoka Animal Control Trustees Jim Bowers, Jeff McEwen and Maureen Newtonand would keep the council informed as things moved forward.
Mayor Cleo Gallegos stated she had been contacted by Genie Jensen, who inquired about placing a little library at Heyburn Riverside Park. Mayor Gallegos informed those present that she has given Genie Jensen permission to work with Park Manager Jose Paz on getting that set up.
Comments from the Public (Each person has 3 min. to comment).
Mayor Gallegos opened this time up to the public for additional comments.
Executive Session
Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; and (f) to communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement.
Motion by Joanne Justesen to go into Executive Session as per Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) personnel and (f) litigation. Second by Rose Schmitt. Roll-Call Vote: Chad Anderson – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rose Schmitt – Aye.
Executive Session Minutes
The Executive Session was conducted by Mayor Cleo Gallegos. The topics were a matter of (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; and(f) to communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated.
No decisions were made.
The Executive Session began at 7:38 PM and returned to open session at 8:20 PM.
Discuss / Approve Resolution No. 2018-3 Authorizing the Negotiation of a Settlement Agreement Term Sheet in Response to the Surface Water Coalition Water Delivery Call and Reappoint Williams, Meservy, & Lothspeich, LLP and McHugh Bromley, PLLC for Water Counsel
City Attorney Paul Ross provided those present with an explanation of Resolution No. 2018-3. Mr. Ross stated that this resolution incorporates both authorizing the negotiation of a settlement agreement term sheet regarding the surface water coalition call as well as the reappointment of Williams, Meservy, & Lothspeich, LLP and McHugh Bromley, PLLC as legal counsel. Mr. Ross recommended council approval.
Motion by Dick Galbraith to approve Resolution No. 2018-3 authorizing the Negotiation of a Settlement Agreement Term Sheet in Response to the Surface Water Coalition Water Delivery Call and Reappoint Williams, Meservy, & Lothspeich, LLP and McHugh Bromley, PLLC for Water Counsel authorizing the Mayors signature. Second by Chad Anderson. Roll-Call Vote: Chad Anderson – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rose Schmitt – Aye.
Motion to Adjourn
Motion by Dick Galbraith to adjourn the council meeting. Second by Rose Schmitt. Roll-Call Vote: Chad Anderson – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rose Schmitt – Aye.
The council meeting adjourned at 8:27 PM.
Cleo Gallegos Ashlee Langley
Mayor City Clerk/Treasurer