November 28, 2012 City Council Minutes

City of Heyburn Council Meeting Minutes

November 28, 2012

7:00 P.M.


Council Present: Rocky Baker, Cleo Gallegos, and Joanne Justesen.  Leann Smith - excused.   

 Employees Present: Greg Richins, Dan Bristol, Steven Tuft and Deborah Hopkins.   

 Visitors Present: Jay Lenkensdorfer, Dan Bush, Mike Decker, Chad Harris, Laurie Welch, Jack Hunsaker, David Price, Rob Ramsey, Mike Brown, and Rose Schmitt.

 Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson.  Mayor Anderson welcomed everyone to the meeting and then led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.   

 Approve Minutes of the November 14, 2012 Council Meeting   

Motion by Joanne Justesen to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2012 council meeting as presented.  Second by Cleo Gallegos.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye.   


Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills

Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve paying the bills as presented.  Second by Rocky Baker.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye. 


Discuss Hook-up Fees for Double L & Water Issues – David Price

David Price and Jack Hunsaker respectfully requested the hook-up fees for Double L be reduced.  No decision was made regarding this request.  This item will be on the December 12, 2012 agenda.


City Superintendent Greg Richins reported the water lines in the Magic Valley Business Park had been flushed.  City of Heyburn Water personnel are of the opinion that not enough water has been run through the lines since the lines were charged up.  He also reported that city personnel had provided some suggestions to the maintenance personnel at Double L. 


Discuss/Approve Payment of Acquisition of Rights of Way for the 21st Street Project

Motion by Joanne Justesen to approve the payment of the acquisition of Rights of Way for the 21st Street Project for Noel and Irma Santana and Jose and Rachel Rebollozo.  Second by Rocky Baker.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye. 


Adopt Ordinance No. 557 – Zoning Review Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit

City Attorney Steven Tuft reported he has not received a response from the City of Rupert or Minidoka County.  No action was taken on this item. 



Discuss/Approve IDEA Lighting Notice to Proceed – Greg Richins

City Superintendent Greg Richins presented other quotes for the Highway 30 lighting project and recommend the approval of the CED proposal.


Motion by Rocky Baker to approve the IDEA Lighting Notice to Proceed with ordering the lights from CED at a cost of $35,279.35.  Second by Joanne Justesen.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye. 


Discuss/Approve Amending Heyburn Code 8-2-2 Above Grade Storage Tanks – Paul Aston & Mike Brown 

There was no discussion or action on this item. 


Discuss/Approve Commercial Garbage Hauling Applications/Licenses

Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve the Commercial Garbage Hauling Licenses to PSI, Inc. and Total Waste Management.  Second by Joanne Justesen.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye. 


Sen Technologies Discussion on Cloud Computing

Mark Hansen and Rich Hersey from Sen Technologies presented information on their product and answered questions from those present.  Topics discussed included security, offset storage and other options.  The proposal was reviewed with no action taken. 


Review of Monthly Reports

The Monthly Reports were briefly discussed with the council members. 



The council meeting ended at 8:35 PM.



George A. Anderson                                       Deborah F. Hopkins

Mayor                                                              City Clerk