November 5, 2012 Heyburn URA Minutes

Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency Meeting Minutes

November 5, 2012 – 11:00 AM


Members Present:  Dan Lloyd, Brent Tolman, Ralph Williams, Clayton King and Greg Richins.  


Ryan Armbruster from Elam & Burke attended by telephone.


Guests Present:  Jay Lenkensdorfer, Robyn Anderson, and Rulon Gardner. 


Chairman Ralph Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting. 


Approval of Minutes

Motion by Dan Lloyd to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2012 meeting as presented.  Second by Brent Tolman.  All Aye votes.


Approval of Expenditures and Present Bills for Approval to the City

Motion by Brent Tolman to approve the bills as presented from Elam & Burke for a total amount of $1,175.50.  Second by Clayton King.  All Aye votes.


Follow-up on Request for Additional Funding for the Northwest Industrial Project

The request for additional funding for the Northwest Industrial Project was reviewed by those present.  Total amount requested as per a letter dated September 25, 2012 from Chris Hunsaker, CEO/President of Double L was $82,381.58. 

 Motion by Dan Lloyd to allow 50% of Item 1 and 100% of Item 4 as stated in their letter of September 25, 2012, for a total of $32,272.26  in additional funds to be paid as part of the Northwest Industrial Project.  Second by Clayton King.  All Aye Votes.   

 Status of Release of Funds for the Water System Improvements

Status of Completion of Remaining Public Improvements to Issue Agency Note

Chairman Williams stated the URA is waiting for the City of Heyburn to accept the project from Ken Lebsack.  After that time, Ken Lebsack will need to make the request for funding from the Heyburn URA.

 Discuss Alfresco Project Phasing

Robyn Anderson introduced Rulon Gardner from Gardner Development Company who then presented an update on their project.    


Update on Status of Agency Consultant

Ryan Armbruster reported that a scope of services still needs to be created and provided to those consultants that were previously interested in this position.   He stated that at this time, there was nothing further to be done.     

 Update on Status of Hiring Administrative Assistant

Chairman Williams and Vice-Chairman Lloyd will talk to Stephanie Merrigan to see if she is still interested in this position.  They will report back at the next meeting.       


Discuss/Approve Committee Member Replacement for Kenneth Luke

Chairman Williams asked the membership to be more active role in finding a replacement for Ken Luke.


Legislative Update

Ryan Armbruster stated at this time, there is nothing to report.  Mr. Armbruster stated he had attended the Redevelopment Association of Idaho Annual Meeting where items discussed included dues, legislature, and the election of Board Members.   Vice-Chairman Dan Lloyd volunteered to take an active role in this association.  



There being no other business, Chairman Williams adjourned the meeting.  The next meeting date has been set for December 3, 2012. 


Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.