April 16, 2012 Special Heyburn URA Meeting Minutes

Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency Special Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2012 – 11:00 AM


Members Present:  Ralph Williams, Dan Lloyd, Ken Luke, Clayton Crawford, Greg Richins.


Ryan Armbruster and Harlan Mann attended by telephone.


Chairman Ralph Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Ralph changed the agenda by adding: Consider and approve joining the Redevelopment Association of Idaho, Inc.  He then proceeded with the meeting.


Approval of Minutes

Motion by Dan Lloyd to approve the minutes of the April 2, 2012 Special Meeting.  Second by Ken Luke.  All Aye votes.


Approval of Expenditures and Present Bills for Approval to the City

Motion by Dan Lloyd to approve the bill from Elam & Burke for $1,789.25 to be submitted to the City of Heyburn for payment.  Second by Clayton King .  All Aye votes.


Consider and Approve Eligibility Report for the Alfresco Project

Confirm Receipt of Consent Form and Signed MOU

Ryan Armbruster explained that at the last Heyburn Urban Renewal Meeting, approval of the Eligibility Report as submitted by Harlan Mann was postponed pending the receipt of the Consent Form and signed MOU.  The MOU has been signed and received.  The Consent Form has been signed but it is lacking a legal description.


Motion by Ken Luke to approve the Resolution as read by Ryan Armbruster and to approve the Eligibility Report for the Alfresco Project pending receipt and review of the report. Second by Dan Lloyd.  All Aye votes.


Status of Agency Bank Account

The bank account has been opened at Zion’s Bank and the $6,000 check from Alfresco LLC has been deposited. 


Follow up on Administrative Services

The need to have Administrative Services provided was again discussed among the committee members.  Stephanie Merrigan was suggested by Dan Lloyd. This would be a paid position. It was asked if they could solicit for a volunteer for the position.


City-Agency MOU - to City Council 4/25/12

Ryan Armbruster explained the next step for the Heyburn Urban Renewal is to present the City-Agency MOU to the Heyburn City Council.  The next city council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 25, 2012.  Chairman Williams asked for committee volunteers to present and explain the MOU to the Heyburn City Council.



Heyburn Urban Renewal Special Meeting Minutes – April 16, 2012


Ralph Williams will present the MOU to the Heyburn City Council for their approval on April 25, 2012. 


Legislative Update

Ryan Armbruster stated the legislature has concluded for this year with only minor changes to Idaho Law that will affect the Urban Renewal Agency.


Redevelopment Association of Idaho Inc.

Ralph Williams was contacted regarding joining Redevelopment Association of Idaho. Dues are $50.00 for the first year.


Motion by Clayton King to join Redevelopment Association of Idaho and pay the first year dues. Second by Dan Lloyd. All Aye votes.



There being no other business Ralph Williams adjourned the meeting.  The next meeting of the Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency will be on Monday, May 8, 2012 at 11:00 a.m.


Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.


Kenneth Luke