December 3, 2012 URA Meeting Minutes

Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2012 – 11:00 AM


Members Present:  Dan Lloyd and Clayton King.  

 Ralph Williams and Ryan Armbruster attended by telephone.

 Guests Present:  None. 

 Chairman Ralph Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked Vice-Chairman Dan Lloyd if he would chair the meeting. 

 Approval of Minutes

Motion by Ralph Williams to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2012 meeting as presented.  Second by Clayton King.  All Aye votes.


Approval of Expenditures and Present Bills for Approval to the City

Motion by Clayton King to approve the bills as presented – Elam & Burke $960.50 and Redevelopment Association of Idaho, Inc. $750.00 for a total amount of $1,710.50.  Second by Dan Lloyd.  All Aye votes.


Approval of Reimbursement to the City of Heyburn for Alfresco Expenditures in the Amount of $6,000

Motion by Ralph Williams to reimburse the City of Heyburn $6,000 for the Alfresco expenditures.  Second by Clayton King.  All Aye Votes.


Status of Release of Funds for the Water System Improvements

Status of Completion of Remaining Public Improvements to Issue Agency Note

This item is at a standstill pending acceptance of the subdivision by the City of Heyburn.


Consider and Approve First Amendment to the Owner Participation Agreement Between the Agency and Lebsack

Heyburn URA Attorney Ryan Armbruster stated that he had sent a draft of the First Amendment to the legal representation for Lebsack’s but had not received any feedback at this point


Ryan Armbruster read Resolution No. 2012-06 by title only.  Motion by Ralph Williams to approve Resolution No. 2012-06 authorizing the Vice-Chairman to sign.  Second by Clayton King.  All Aye Votes.   

 Update on Status of Hiring Administrative Assistant

Chairman Williams reported that he had talked to Stephanie Merrigan who expressed concern over some of the items contained in the contract.  Chairman Williams will work with Ryan Armbruster to simplify the contract.  Once a draft has been prepared, Vice-Chairman Dan Lloyd will coordinate with Chairman Williams. 

 Discuss/Approve Committee Member Replacement for Kenneth Luke

Chairman Williams reported he had received an email from Brent Tolman who had suggested David Nebeker to fill the unexpired term of Kenneth Luke.  Vice-Chairman Dan Lloyd agreed to team up with Brent Tolman to talk to Mr. Nebeker to see if he would be interested in serving on this committee.  This item will be on the January 7, 2013 agenda. 


Legislation Update

Ryan Armbruster briefly reported the legislature is in the organizational stage at this point. 


There being no other business, Vice-Chairman Lloyd adjourned the meeting.  The next meeting date has been set for January 7, 2013. 


Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Brent Tolman