April 11, 2012 City Council Minutes


City of Heyburn Council Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2012

7:00 P.M.


Council Present:

Rocky Baker, Cleo Gallegos, Leann Smith and Joanne Justesen.   


Employees Present:

Greg Richins, Steven Tuft, Dan Bristol, and Deborah Hopkins.     


Visitors Present: 

Rose Schmitt, Scot Bell, Mason Terry, Karen and Davis Vansant, Ralph Williams, Shawn Orton, Zavree Stratg, Micael Bailey, Brandal Page, Bryson Jeppesen, and Chet Jeppesen representing Boy Scout Troups 44 and 47.


Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson.  Mayor Anderson amended the agenda to include an Executive Session for Litigation to be at the end of the regular agenda.  He also stated Item 4 – Elk Meadows PUD and Item 7 – Arboretum Branding would not be on the agenda for the evening.    


Mayor Anderson led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.     


Approve Minutes of the March 28, 2012 Council Meeting

Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve the minutes of the March 28, 2012 council meeting and the March 29, 2012 Emergency Council Meeting as presented.  Second by Joanne Justesen.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye.  Leann Smith – Abstained.


Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills

Motion by Leann Smith to approve paying the bills as presented.  Second by Rocky Baker.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Rocky Baker - Aye.  


Discuss/Approve Waiver of Ga’Lawn Park for the Summer Lunch Program – Phyllis Bean

Minidoka County School District Food Service Supervisor Phyllis Bean presented information to those present on the success of the Summer Lunch Program.  She also asked the City Council to waive the fees for using Ga’ Lawn Park on Mondays through Fridays beginning June 4, 2012 and concluding July 31, 2012. 


Motion by Cleo Gallegos to waive the fees for the Minidoka County School District Summer Lunch Program for the use of Ga’ Lawn park during the 2012 summer.  Second by Joanne Justesen.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Review/Possibly Revoke Amended Developer’s Agreement – Elk Meadows – PUD

This item was removed from the agenda.




Discuss/Review Park Reservation Ordinance No. 543 – Second Reading 

Motion by Joanne Justesen to have City Attorney Steven Tuft read Ordinance No. 543 – Park Reservations by title only for the second reading.  Second by Rocky Baker.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


City Attorney Steven Tuft read Ordinance No. 543 by title only for the second reading.


Discuss/Authorize Mayor Signature on Service Schedule No. 5 with Idaho Energy Authority

City of Heyburn Electric Consultant Ralph Williams recommended the City of Heyburn continue participation in the energy conservation program.  He stated the citizens and businesses within the City get the benefit of the relationship by way of rebates on insulation, windows, lighting, and heat pumps. 


Motion by Leann Smith to authorize the Mayoral Signature on the Service Schedule No. 5 with Idaho Energy Authority.  Second by Cleo Gallegos.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Approve Arboretum Branding Contract with Affinity Landscape Design

This item was removed from the agenda.


Discuss/Authorize Mayoral Signature on Tennis Court Contract with Koch – Greg Richins

City Superintendent Greg Richins briefly reviewed the tennis court repair contract with Koch.  He stated this item had been approved for funding during the 2011-12 budget work session.


Motion by Leann Smith to authorize the mayoral signature on the tennis court contract with Koch.  Second by Joanne Justesen.  Questions pertaining to the warranty of the work to be completed and the terms of the warranty then ensued.  Councilmember Smith withdrew her motion until more information could be obtained.  Councilmember Justesen then withdrew her second. 


Discuss/Approve Water & Wastewater Connection Fees – Greg Richins

City Superintendent Richins briefly presented information to the mayor and council members on the need to increase the water and wastewater connection fees.  This item was discussed with those present.


Motion by Joanne Justesen to have Civil Science perform the rate study for water and wastewater connection fees at a total cost not to exceed $4,000.  Second by Leann Smith.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Approve Contract with Fluid Dynamics for Liquid Polymer Preparation Equipment

City Superintendent Greg Richins explained the contract with Fluid Dynamics for Liquid Polymer Preparation Equipment was another part of the USDA Rural Development grant for the sewer plant.  He also informed those present that Robert Lanford has not approved this contract due to his absence from the office. 


Motion by Rocky Baker to authorize the mayoral signature on the contract with Fluid Dynamics for Liquid Polymer Preparation Equipment in the amount of $13,860 pending approval by USDA Rural Development.  Second by Joanne Justesen.  Vote:  Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen – Aye.


Discuss/Approve Replacement Member for Billie Jones on the Heyburn Planning & Zoning Commission

Mayor Anderson reported he had received a resignation from Billie Jones from the Heyburn Planning & Zoning Commission.  Those present discussed possible replacement members.  As Scot Bell was in the audience, Mayor Anderson asked if he would be interested in serving.


Mayor Anderson then asked to council members to approve appointing Scot Bell to the Heyburn Planning & Zoning Commission.  All Aye votes. 


Executive Session for Matters of Litigation As per Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (f)

Motion by Joanne Justesen  to go into executive session for Matters of Litigation as per Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (f).  Second by Cleo Gallegos.  Roll Call Vote:  Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Joanne Justesen - Aye; Rocky Baker – Aye; Leann Smith - Aye.


Executive Session Minutes.

Council Present:

Cleo Gallegos, Rocky Baker, Leann Smith, and Joanne Justesen.


Employees Present:

Steven Tuft, Deborah Hopkins, Dan Bristol and Greg Richins.


Guests Present:



Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson. The topic was a matter of litigation.  This matter was discussed with the council president, council members and staff present.  Executive Session began at 7:40 PM and concluded at 8:07 PM.  No decisions were made. 

The council meeting ended at 8:07 PM. 




George A. Anderson                                       Deborah F. Hopkins   

Mayor                                                              City Clerk