August 6, 2012 Special Council Meeting Minutes
City of Heyburn Council Special Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2012
5:30 P.M.
Council Present:
Cleo Gallegos, Joanne Justesen and Leann Smith. Rocky Baker arrived at 5:57 PM.
Employees Present:
Greg Richins, Dan Bristol, and Deborah Hopkins.
Visitors Present:
Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson.
Budget Work Session
Those present worked on the 2012-13 FY budget.
Motion by Leann Smith to approve a $6,000 per year raise for the City Superintendent, and all other employees a 50 cent per hour raise with the exception of the Fire Marshall to be given a 25 cent per hour raise with the other 25 cents to come from the Minidoka County Fire Protection District. Second by Cleo Gallegos. Roll Call Vote: Cleo Gallegos - Aye; Rocky Baker - Nay. Leann Smith – Aye; Joanne Justesen - Nay. Mayor Anderson broke the tie by voting Aye. Motion carried.
The council meeting ended at 6:35 PM.
George A. Anderson Deborah F. Hopkins
Mayor City Clerk