March 5, 2012 Heyburn URA Minutes


March 5, 2012


Members Present:

Clayton King, Brent Tolman, and Ken Luke.   


Excused:  Dan Lloyd and Greg Richins


Ryan Armbruster and Ralph Williams attended by telephone. 


Visitors Present:



Meeting conducted by Chairman Ralph Williams.  Chairman Williams called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.  


Changes to the Agenda

There being no changes to the agenda, Chairman Williams proceeded with the agenda.


Approval of Minutes

Motion by Ken Luke to approve the December 5, 2011 meeting minutes as presented.  Second by Clayton King.  All Aye votes.


Approval of Expenditures

Motion by Ken Luke to approve submitting the following invoices to the City of Heyburn for payment:  Ryan Armbruster - $4,509.88 and Harlan Mann - $243.75.  Second by Brent Tolman.  All Aye votes. 


Review and Consider 2011 Annual Report

Ryan Armbruster reviewed the 2011 Annual Report and explained the reporting procedures.  Minor revisions still need to be made with an anticipated completion date by the March 26, 2012 special meeting. 


Schedule Special Meeting

A special meeting was scheduled for March 26, 2012 at 11:00 AM for the purpose of reviewing the Annual Report and other items that may require attention at that time. 


Consider Outreach Activity

Those present discussed various outreach activities.  It was decided to publish the Notice of the Annual Report in the newspaper and also to post on the City of Heyburn website. 


Update on the Lebsack Agreement

Ryan Armbruster reported on the status of the Lebsack Agreement.  The current agreement has a three-year hold harmless warranty which was added by the City.  



March 5, 2012 – Heyburn Urban Renewal Minutes

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Motion by Ken Luke to have Ryan Armbruster modify the agreement by removing the three year warranty clause and resubmitting the agreement to the Lebsack’s for approval.  Second by Clayton King.  All Aye votes. 


Consider the City-Agency Agreement

Ryan Armbruster stated this item still needs some refinement.  This agreement will solidify the reimbursement rate to the City.  This item will be on the March 26, 2012 agenda. 


Accept Modified Alfresco Agreement; Authorize the Engagement of Harlan Mann for Eligibility Study and Ongoing Legal Work from Elam and Burke

Deb Hopkins reported $6,000 has been received from Alfresco LLC.  This payment will be held until such time as a bank account has been opened for the Heyburn URA.


Motion by Ken Luke to accept the Modified Alfresco Agreement.  Second by Brent Tolman. All Aye votes.


Establish Bank Account in Agency’s Name, Obtain EIN, Confirm Insurance Coverage

Motion by Clayton King to open a bank account at Zion’s Bank with Ralph Williams, Ken Luke and Dan Lloyd authorized to sign the checks.  Ryan Armbruster disclosed that his firm of Elam & Burke does business with Zion’s Bank from time to time and will probably continue to do business with them in the future.  Brent Tolman seconded the motion.  All Aye votes. 


City Clerk Deb Hopkins reported that the Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency has already obtained an EIN.  At the request of Chairman Williams, Deb Hopkins will contact ICRMP to get a policy and a quote for the Heyburn URA and have it available at the March 26, 2012 meeting for committee review.


Legislative Update

Ryan Armbruster reported there are currently six bills in the legislature that directly impact urban renewal agencies.  He briefed those present on the bills and their current status.  



Meeting adjourned at 11:55 AM.  The next meeting will be a special meeting on Monday, March 26, 2012 at 11:00 AM at the City of Heyburn Meeting Room.  An agenda will be sent out prior to the meeting.  


Ken Luke
