June 19, 2012 Amphitheater Minutes
Amphitheater Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2012
9:30 A.M.
Members Present:
Brian Duncan, Jason Parton, Chris James, and Ashlee Langley.
Guests Present:
Terri Irish and Jasmin Alvarez
Visitors Present:
Meeting conducted by Chris James.
Approve minutes of the April 17, 2012 Amphitheater Meeting
Motion by Jason Parton to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2012 amphitheater meeting as presented. Second by Chris James Vote: Brian Duncan - Aye; Chris James – Aye; Jason Parton – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills
No bills were presented for approval of payment.
Venders for upcoming events
Jason Parton briefly discussed venders for upcoming events. One possible vender (Jitterbug Espresso) contacted Jason in regards to vending again at this year’s events.
Motion by Jason Parton to approve Jitterbug Espresso as a vender at upcoming events. Second by Brian Duncan Vote Chris James – Aye; Brian Duncan – Aye; Jason Parton – Aye.
Other venders including Uppercrust, Rotary and Dutch Treat were discussed and members of the committee will be working on contacting these venders as well as other possible venders. Progress on this will be discussed at the next meeting. The fee for this year’s venders has not yet been decided.
Additional Entertainment for Bluegrass Festival
Chris James discussed the hot dog eating contest as well as the ugly car show for the Bluegrass Festival. Jason suggested asking for hot dogs to be donated by a local company. The committee agreed on asking around to see who might be able to help fund the contest. Results will be discussed at the next meeting.
Discuss advertising in the newspaper/flyers
Brian Duncan is working on the flyers for the upcoming events as well as getting a price quote on a banner to be hung around town.
Chris James suggested submitting a ½ page ad in a local newspaper including all upcoming events. He will call around to get price quotes.
Brian Duncan is working on designing the ad for the newspaper as well as the flyers.
Brian Duncan suggested advertising on the Radio in combination with the Movies in the Park. He will be checking into this possibility.
Jason Parton thought it would be to the committee’s benefit to advertise in Twin Falls, ID for this year’s Bluegrass Festival. This was suggested to him by the public.
Motion by Chris James to move forward with all advertising possibilities results to be discussed at the next meeting. Second by Jason Parton Vote: Brian Duncan – Aye; Jason Parton - Aye; Chris James – Aye.
The amphitheater meeting ended at 10:30 A.M.
Jason Parton
Vice Chairman