January 17, 2012 Amphitheater Minutes
Heyburn Amphitheater Committee Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2012 – 9:30 AM
Members Present: John Berglund, Brian Duncan, Heather Davis, Chris James
and Ashlee Talbot.
Members present discussed the dates for events in this upcoming year.
Items discussed were:
Budget - $7,825.00
Bluegrass – August 10th & 11th – Both Friday and Saturday have been set aside for this event. Plans at this point do not include any events for Friday. In the past this event has been spearheaded by Chris. This year Chris and Heather will work together. Ashlee will notify the Chamber of Commerce. She will also put the Bluegrass Festival on the City of Heyburn web page calendar.
Fourth of July Concert – Discussed possible performers for the opening of this event as well as the event itself.
Shade – Committee members discussed the impact that lack of shade has on the attendance. Last year E-Z ups were donated by Sweetheart Manor. Committee members felt this method was not effective.
Friday Night Concert Series – Chairman Berglund will contact various performers to see if they would be interested in performing again this year.
Movies in the park – Brian Duncan who is also a member of HEART asked that Wednesdays be blocked off the calendar for movies in the park. Brian said he would call and confirm the exact dates for this event.
Advertising – Those present discussed the failure of advertising based on the turnout of last year at several events. A Suggestion of advertising in the Twin Falls area was discussed as a possible solution.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 9:30 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ashlee Talbot