May 22, 2012 Amphitheater Minutes
Amphitheater Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2012
9:30 A.M.
Members Present:
Mike Andrew, Chris James, Jason Parton, and Ashlee Langley.
Guests Present:
Visitors Present:
Meeting conducted by Chris James.
Approve Minutes of the April 17, 2012 Amphitheater Meeting
Motion by Chris James to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2012 amphitheater meeting as presented. Second by Mike Andrew. Vote: Jason Parton – Aye; Chris James – Aye; Mike Andrew – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills
No bills were presented for approval for payment.
Chris James prepared a very basic budget for the 2012 summer.
Committee Membership
Mike Andrew briefly discussed the absence of Chairmen John Burglund until after the 4th of July. It has been decided not to replace Burglund as chairmen at this time. Mike Andrew also discussed stepping down from Vice Chairman. Jason Parton volunteered to temporarily fill that position.
Motion by Mike Andrew to keep John Burglund as chairmen until his return. Second by Chris James Vote: Jason Parton-Aye; Chris James – Aye; Mike Andrew – Aye.
Motion by Mike Andrew to step down from Vice president and fill that position with Jason Parton. Second by Chris James Vote: Jason Parton - Aye; Chris James – Aye; Mike Andrew – Aye.
Jason Parton agreed to prepare the monthly report for Heyburn City Council. He will prepare May 2012 and e-mail the report to Ashlee for distribution to the council.
Advertise Needed Membership Positions
Motion by Chris James to advertise in the newspapers for more members. Second by Jason Parton Vote: Mike Andrew-Aye. Jason Parton – Aye; Chris James - Aye.
Advertising of this year’s events
Discussed Brian Duncan printing up flyers.
Fourth of July Concert
The Basin Boys and Undignified are scheduled to perform and $1,000 budget has been set aside for this event.
Bluegrass schedule in review
Chris James discussed changing the schedule lineup since the last meeting. Currently there are six performers. Jeff Pool will be providing the sound.
Art Smith
Gary Bench
Strings Attached
Elizabeth’s Fiddle Students
Portneuf Gap
Front Porch Flavor
Venders have not yet been decided on but are in the works. The event is to start at 2:00 pm. August 11th.
Mike Andrew suggested expanding the festival and involving the public more into the event by offering things they can participate in. Ideas were discussed but nothing decided on. This discussion is to be continued at the next meeting.
Lineup for the Friday Night Concert Series
Committee Members are in the process of contacting performers to see if they would be interested in participating at this event. Suggestions made were Chris Bender, Upcreek, Benny Vandersmith and Jason Lugo.
The amphitheater meeting ended at10:30 A.M.
Jason Parton
Vice Chairman