June 25, 2014 Special & Regular Council Minutes
Council Present:
Rocky Baker, Dick Galbraith, Dusty Galliher, and Cleo Gallegos.
Employees Present:
Greg Richins, Dan Bristol, and Deborah Hopkins. Steven Tuft – excused.
Visitors Present:
Kevin Welch, Ashlee Langley, Janet Benefiel, Deanna Turner, and Jordan Matlock.
Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson.
Budget Work Session for the FY2014-15 Budget
Those present worked on the FY2014-15 Budget in the General, Water and Sewer Funds.
The meeting adjourned at 6:58 PM.
George A. Anderson Deborah F. Hopkins
Mayor City Clerk / Treasurer
Council Present:
Rocky Baker, Dick Galbraith, Dusty Galliher, and Cleo Gallegos.
Employees Present:
Greg Richins, Dan Bristol, and Deborah Hopkins. Steven Tuft – excused.
Visitors Present:
Pamela Harris, Ashlee Langley, and Rose Schmitt.
Meeting conducted by Mayor George A. Anderson who welcomed everyone to the meeting and then led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Anderson asked for a motion to amend the agenda to include as Item #3: Discuss/Approve Signing of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Drinking Water Grant Agreement (DWG-150-2014-7). The reason is that this document is time sensitive and must be signed and returned to the State of Idaho before the next regularly scheduled council meeting.
Motion by Dick Galbraith to amend the agenda to include as Item #3: Discuss/Approve Signing of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Drinking Water Grant Agreement (DWG-150-2014-7). Second by Dusty Galliher. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Minutes of the June 11, 2014 Special and Regular Council Meeting
Motion by Cleo Gallegos to approve the minutes of the June 11, 2014 special and regular council meeting as presented. Second by Dick Galbraith. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher – Aye.
Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills
Motion by Rocky Baker to approve paying the bills as presented. Second by Dusty Galliher. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.
Discuss/Approve Signing of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Drinking Water Grant Agreement
Motion by Dusty Galliher to authorize Mayor Anderson to sign the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Drinking Water Grant (DWG-150-2014-7). Second by Rocky Baker. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.
Discuss/Approve Waiver of Fees for Riverside Park
a. Mini-Cassia Shelter – Pamela Harris – Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Fundraiser
October 4, 2014
June 25, 2014 – City Council Minutes – Page 2
Pamela Harris from the Mini-Cassia Shelter asked the city council members to waive the fees for the use of Riverside Park October 4, 2014.
Motion by Cleo Gallegos to waive the fees for the Mini-Cassia Shelter for the use of Riverside Park on October 4, 2014, but to request a $150 deposit and proof of insurance. Second by Dick Galbraith. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher.
Discuss Ordinance No. 551 – Park Use – Third Reading
Motion by Rocky Baker to have Mayor Anderson read Ordinance No. 551 – Park Use by title only for the third reading. Second by Dusty Galliher. Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.
Mayor Anderson read Ordinance No. 551 – Park Use by title only for the third reading.
Motion by Rocky Baker to adopt Ordinance No. 551. Second by Dick Galbraith. Roll Call Vote: Rocky Baker – Aye; Cleo Gallegos – Aye; Dick Galbraith – Aye; Dusty Galliher - Aye.
Review of Monthly Department Head Reports
Those present reviewed the June, 2014 Monthly Department Head Reports.
The council meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM.
George A. Anderson Deborah F. Hopkins
Mayor City Clerk / Treasurer