February 24, 2014 Special URA Meeting Minutes

Heyburn Urban Renewal Agency Special Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2014 – 11:00 AM


Members Present: Clayton King, Dan Lloyd, David Nebeker and Brent Tolman. Deb Hopkins and Greg Richins from the City of Heyburn. Chairman Williams attended by telephone.


Guests Present: Ryan Armbruster - Counsel for the Agency.


Chairman Ralph Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked if there were any changes to the agenda.  There being no changes to the agenda, Chairman Williams then proceeded.


Discuss/Approve the November 4, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Motion by Brent Tolman to approve the November 4, 2013 meeting minutes. Second by David Nebeker. All Aye votes.


Discuss/Approve Paying the Bills

Motion by Dan Lloyd to approve paying the following bills for the Heyburn URA:

            Elam & Burke:            $     203.50

            Ken Lebsack:              $17,626.37

            City of Heyburn:         $ 8,813.18

                        Total:               $26,643.05


Second by Clayton King. All Aye votes.


Discuss/Approve/Renew Committee Membership for Dan Lloyd & David Nebeker

Chairman Williams stated that both Dan Lloyd and David Nebeker had agreed to serve another 5-year term.


Motion by Clayton King to renew the committee memberships for Dan Lloyd and David Nebeker for a 5-year term. Second by Brent Tolman. All Aye votes.


Discuss/Approve Hiring of Auditor

Chairman Williams stated that he had contacted the firm of Evans, Poulsen & Catmull to conduct the audit for the Heyburn URA for an amount not to exceed $2,900.


Motion by Dan Lloyd to hire the firm of Evans, Poulsen & Catmull at a price not to exceed $2,900. Second by David Nebeker. All Aye votes. Brent Tolman requested that Dan Lloyd, because of his expertise, also be present in the review process with the auditor.


Schedule Public Meeting to Consider/Approve Annual Report

Those present reviewed the draft of the 2013 Annual Report as prepared by Ryan Armbruster from Elam & Burke. City Clerk Deb Hopkins was authorized to publish the Public Hearing Notice for the Heyburn URA. The Public Hearing date was scheduled for March 17, 2014 at 11:00 AM.


Legislation Update

Ryan Armbruster provided a brief update on activities in the legislature pertaining to Urban Renewal.



Meeting adjourned at 11:32 AM. The next meeting was scheduled for March 17, 2014 at 11:00 AM.